To save money, use up all those sample products

Dear Heloise: At this time, everyone is looking for ways to save money. One is to take inventory so you do not purchase items you don’t need. Go through drawers and cabinets, and use up all those hand, body and face creams you have accumulated from store samples, doctor’s offices, parties, etc. You might find that you don’t have to purchase new products for quite some time!

This goes for hair products, makeup, toothpaste, soap and even men’s shaving products. Don’t save these nice items for another time — treat yourself and clean the house, too. Check for expiration dates. You might find a new product that you like better than what you are using.

You also can apply this to the kitchen pantry. Plan a meal around the marinades and sauce mixes you have accumulated. You might be surprised how creative you can be! I hope this helps people save a couple of dollars. Thank you for all of your helpful hints. It is my favorite column in the paper. Mary Balestrieri, Cedar Grove, N.J.

Mary, your advice is one I learned from my mother: “Shop at home first — you might be pleasantly surprised what you already have and don’t have to buy.” Heloise

Fast facts

Dear Readers: Don’t toss a worn-out, old garden hose:

•Use it for a cushioned tree support. Run a piece of rope through the hose and attach to the tree.

•Make it into a soaker hose. Simply poke holes at varied lengths and cap the ends.

•Cut small pieces of the hose, open them up and use to place over saw blades or other sharp tools.

•Use it when designing a new shaped flower bed to map out the design. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Here’s a money-saving hint: If you have porch and garage lights that have glass panels, remove one panel in the back and replace it with a mirror. You get twice as much light free. I replaced my 100-watt bulbs with new 40-watt bulbs, and I get the same amount of light. James A. Kempen, San Antonio

Dear Heloise: More and more, wine labels are attached with non-water-soluble adhesive. If you want to save a label, fill the bottle with hot tap water to pre-warm it, then replace the tap water with boiling-hot water. In a few minutes, the label will peel off easily. Donna Vogel, Bethesda, Md.

Sound off

Dear Heloise: Do you have suggestions for mothers or fathers who must think they are too busy to send thank-you notes for gifts sent to them and their children?

They surely realize the sender shops for the item, buys or makes a card, then often makes a trip to the post office. And, of course, there is an expense involved. This happens to me quite often, and I hear that it happens to others as well. Beebee Fisher, Salem, Ore.

• Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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