City police department investigating incident

By Jon Moffett

YOUNGSTOWN — Two city police officers are being investigated by the department regarding an alleged altercation while on duty.

Chief Jimmy Hughes acknowledged an incident took place Sunday night but would not confirm other reports of a fight.

“There was some type of altercation between the two sergeants,” Hughes said. “... We are looking into it.”

Hughes did admit two officers got into a verbal argument that escalated into a physical altercation.

Hughes said the matter has not been referred to internal affairs but, instead, to the captain on duty during the shift, who will review the incident and issue a report to Hughes. The chief added that if any misconduct took place, he will address it.

“If there were any violations in company policies, I will investigate them, and punishments will be issued.”

Hughes said both officers are able to coexist and work together on a daily basis.

“Whatever happened, it wasn’t at the magnitude that these two couldn’t get along together,” Hughes said.