A Treasure is found at pet-rescue center

Dear Heloise: Three weeks ago, I found my Treasure at a pet-rescue center. Treasure is a 6-month-old golden retriever mixed with German shepherd and maybe sheltie. She is beautiful!

She came spayed. I bought a dog license and a microchip. I often travel to my daughters’ homes out of town. Though Treasure is licensed and microchipped, I thought of another safety measure when I’m visiting out of town. I purchased two dog tags, with one reading “Treasure visiting San Diego” and my daughter’s phone number. The other dog tag reads “Treasure visiting Sanger” and the phone number.

Thanks for all of your good hints and your love of animals. R.P., Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Glad you found a special Treasure, and we like your dog-tag hint! Heloise

Dear Readers: Tammy Campos of Palestine, Texas, shared a photo of her 10-month-old Australian shepherd, Honey, getting a book from a bookshelf. Tammy says: “Honey is a therapy dog in training and currently knows 37 tricks/commands, including bringing me a drink [from the fridge]. I take her to local nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. When she’s not scheduled for those visits, she spends time at the Neches Elementary School library listening to the children read. After a child reads to Honey, I let her perform a few tricks, and they love it.”

Dear Heloise: I would like to know if there is anything I can put on truck seats to keep dog hair from adhering. If not, what can I use to remove it? Bobbie, via e-mail

I don’t know of anything that would keep the hair from sticking to the seats. To make cleanup easier, put a seat cover, old sheets or towels on the seat to catch the loose fur. A microfiber cloth, duct tape, damp sponge or a rubber glove will also help remove fur from the seats. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I’m a longtime fan and have gotten many great ideas from your column. Here’s one that helps us out:

Our cat likes the moist foods, cans or pouches, and there’s always bits of food left in the bowl that dry out and are a pain to clean up. I line the bowl with a coffee filter before putting the food in. It works great — I just toss the filter with all the dried leftover food, and the bowl is good to go for the next coffee filter and meal. Sherry Grogan, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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