Holiday travel or not, we’d like to hear from you

Reports from around the nation say the ailing economy will force more travelers to stay at home this year to save a buck.

A USA Today/Gallup Poll in May revealed that 50 percent of Americans do not have travel plans this summer. That’s up from 38 percent in 2006 and 41 percent last year, when gas prices soared above $4 a gallon. AAA predicts Fourth of July travel will decrease 1.9 percent from 2008.

With gas prices — and by some estimations, the economy — rebounding, The Vindicator is looking for people with (or without) travel plans this summer.

If you’ve gone to Cedar Point every summer but canceled the trip this year to save money, we want to hear from you. If you’re packing the car to make your annual trek to Hilton Head despite the downturn, Vindicator reporter Rick Rouan wants to talk to you. Contact him at