What’s the cure for hard, scratchy towels?

Dear Heloise: Our bath towels are hard and scratchy when they are taken out of the dryer, and my husband likes them to be soft and fluffy. I have tried using dryer sheets in the dryer and fabric softener in the washer, but neither seems to help. I use the recommended amount of soap in the washer, so I don’t feel that might be the problem. Thank you. Maurine Urton, Syracuse, N.Y.

You are not alone — this has been a problem for many readers. Even though you use the correct amount of detergent, it might not be rinsed completely from the towels. The first step is to remove the buildup in the towels! Wash them (just towels, nothing else) in very hot water using baking soda, washing soda or borax instead of detergent. Follow the directions on the product for the amounts to use. Use the highest water level and rinse twice. If you do this about once a month, it should help your towels stay soft and fluffy.

Using too much fabric softener or dryer sheets too often may cause the towels to be less absorbent. Check the label on the towels to see if fabric softener is recommended. Heloise

P.S.: If you live in a hard-water area, that also may be a factor.

Dear Heloise: Living in southwest Florida, we go to beaches and pools year-round. I came up with this idea to keep the seats in the car dry when we have on our wet suits. We take along large, black plastic garbage bags (two per person) and place one on the back of the seat and one on the seat proper. We next lay our beach towels on top of the bags. We then can come home in wet suits and the seats stay perfectly dry. Since coming up with this idea, I carry the bags (and we reuse them) in my beach bag. Gwynne Balson, North Port, Fla.

This is a really good idea, especially with summer beach, river, lake and pool days ahead. And carry along extra garbage bags to pick up any litter and trash. Every little effort helps. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I recently found myself with food stuck in my wire whisk, which would be a chore to get clean. I decided to do what I do when food is stuck in pans: I boil it in water to which I add some baking soda. This worked like a charm, and the whisk was clean in no time!

On second thought, however, I believe I could have prevented the sticking if I had sprayed the whisk with nonstick cooking spray. Doris Bivens, Granbury, Texas

Dear Heloise: Before the bath soap becomes an inconvenient sliver, simply press it onto a fresh, just-used bar. The moisture and warmth will blend the two together. No waste or mess. Kay H., Palmdale, Calif.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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