Bonus gifts can be donated to shelters

Dear Heloise: If you are a shopper by mail or on the Internet, you often get bonuses for spending a stated amount of money. I’ve found through the years that those bonus gifts are often tote bags, makeup carriers or luggage sets. These are not necessarily the most exquisite products, but there probably is not one homeless person who would not love to have that bag. I gather them up and donate them periodically.

Residents of battered-women’s shelters often arrive without so much as their purses. The bonus bags are golden to them, as are the “free” gifts from the cosmetic counters when you purchase a certain amount of their products. Sometimes, just being able to groom themselves makes these women feel better and more confident. Of course, call the shelter before delivery, to be certain it will accept these items. Linda, via e-mail

Linda, most shelters are appreciative of donations. Please take note that the items should be in good condition. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I buy the 500 pack of paper napkins. As soon as I get home, I divide them into four 1-gallon plastic zip-top bags. No more napkins sliding out to make a mess. Barbara, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I read your article in the Houston Chronicle about making bath salts. Your directions were: “Put 3 cups Epsom salts in a bowl (do NOT use plastic). In another bowl, mix 1 tablespoon glycerin, a few drops of food coloring and enough perfume or essential oil to scent it. Mix all the ingredients. Store the mixture in a covered plastic or glass container.”

Why can you store the mixture in a plastic container but not mix it in a plastic container? What is the difference? Ginger M. Tomball, Texas

Good question! It’s best to use a glass or metal bowl rather than plastic for mixing the bath salts, especially if you use food coloring, because plastic may stain. When you store the mixture, you can use plastic, since you likely will be storing only bath salts in the container, and it won’t matter if it stains. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I read your column and find the hints interesting and useful. I actually have one of my own that might be helpful to others.

When I want to paint a room but am unsure about color, I purchase scrapbooking paper in solid shades of several different colors. They are only a quarter or so, and are 10 times the size of paint samples from the store.

For an even larger paint sample, tape two or more together to get a larger view, or buy a poster-board sheet if you want a simple primary color. -- Carol Warnick, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Dear Heloise: Put wet place mats on top of the dryer and press them out — letting them air-dry. They retain body and never need ironing. Alice Nunn in California

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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