Readers offer more car rental hints

Dear Readers: We recently shared some helpful hints to keep in mind when renting a car, and here are some more reader hints:

• Mary from Council Bluffs, Iowa, says: “As a former dispatcher, I always insist on a ‘walk around’ before I take a car out and when I bring it back. I don’t want the blame for someone else’s scratches and dents, no matter how minor.”

•Christal Helman of Lisbon, Ohio, says: “When we rent a car, we take pictures of it inside and out. One rental company accused us and then was going to try to charge our insurance company for damages that were on the car when we rented it. The pictures saved us and the insurance company.”

•Julie Prafke of Spokane Valley, Wash., says: “Take a picture of a landmark or street sign where you park your rental car. If parking in a lot, take a picture of the lot address, lane number and parking-spot number.

•Carol Ann McCaleb of Pasadena, Texas, says: “If you plan to make your reservation through a national chain’s Web site, using rewards transferred from your credit card, call the rental-car agency directly before you make the transfer of your points. We had a vacation ruined when we showed up at a very small airport near a national park with our transfer points certificate, as directed by the credit card and the information on the national chain’s Web site. The owner refused to accept our certificate, and we had to pay the rental in full.” Heloise

Dear Heloise: For fresh-baked taste, I reheat pizza slices in my panini grill. I crumble a piece of aluminum foil to put in between slices so that the lid will not crush the pizza toppings.

I heat it on high for about a minute. I enjoy reading your column in my local paper, The Meridian (Miss.) Star. Thank you. Gene, via e-mail

Dear Readers: When you have finished your mascara, don’t throw away the wand! Clean the brush thoroughly and use it as a cleaning tool for your computer keyboard. Another use for that old mascara wand is for separating your eyelashes, grooming your eyebrows or even cleaning your jewelry. Heloise

Dear Heloise: To save water and energy in the bathroom, take a quick shower instead of a bath. It’s refreshing, and every little bit saved is worthwhile in this economy! Melody Alberts, San Antonio

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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