“Lost” (9 p.m., ABC): Like Jack (Matthew Fox), we’re really antsy to get back to

“Lost” (9 p.m., ABC): Like Jack (Matthew Fox), we’re really antsy to get back to the island. But just one problem: Where the heck is it? In last season’s finale, evil Ben (Michael Emerson) plunged down a frozen hole, turned a wooden wheel and — presto — “moved” the creepy little atoll. For a show that thrives on weird developments, this was one of the weirdest. Season 5 opens with a jaw-dropping two-hour opener that has Jack trying to round up the Oceanic 6 for a reunion with their stranded pals. We’d love to tell you more, but we’re afraid Ben would make us vanish.

“Lie to Me” (9:02 p.m., Fox): “Lie to Me” is a new drama about a crime-fighting scientist (Tim Roth) who can read facial expressions and body language to spot a fib a mile away. Many of us have spouses with the same kind of power.