R sum , other tips can help with job hunting

Dear Readers: If you are looking for employment and have job applications out or will be going for an interview, be aware that your credit report, driving record and criminal record may be checked. Even a page or a posting on a social networking site is fair game!

Be as accurate as possible on a r sum , because employers can and do check the facts! If you’re fortunate enough to get a phone call to schedule an interview, ask about the appropriate dress code for the industry and specific job you are applying for. Keep in mind that “business attire” or “business casual” could have different meanings in Hawaii, Seattle and New York. So, be sure you understand the dress code for the specific geographic location and business arena you will be interviewing for. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I was born 89 years ago. I learned during the Depression of the 1930s how to pinch pennies until Abe’s nose twitches! To save money:

•First, never say, “It’s only a dollar, or a quarter.” A few pennies here and a few there soon amount to dollars.

•Cook something you don’t like? Don’t toss it! Add something to it. Get creative. Add soup or spices to give it pizzazz.

•Make a scrapbook of Heloise Hints. Mine has saved me lots of money!

Myrna Glass, St. Marys

Myrna, your hints will certainly help my readers save money in these rough economic times. You’re right, those pennies add up. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have a large plastic plant that gets very dusty. I placed it in the bathtub, covered the bottom part (a wicker basket) with some plastic and used the hand-held shower wand to spray it down. I left the plant in the tub to drip-dry. When I removed it, it was sparkling clean. It was so easy, I even cleaned all the other ones this same way. Melissa in Texas

Dear Readers: Use a legal-size envelope to store eyeglasses. Seal the envelope, tear or cut off one end to make an opening, and slip them inside. This is especially helpful when traveling and you don’t want to carry a bulky eyeglass case. Heloise

Dear Heloise: To keep my plastic shopping bags together, I use a fabric bag for portable outdoor chairs. There is no hole in the bottom, so the bags can be really stuffed in. Susan, Indiana

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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