Changing home’s air filter can save money

Dear Readers: These days, we’re all looking for ways to save money, and an easy way to do that is by changing your home’s air filter. Not only will the air you breathe be cleaner and healthier, but doing this on a regular basis can lower your utility bills.

When was the last time you checked or changed the filter? Having a clean filter should be a priority. If you have a permanent filter, it should be washed once a month. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions — some say you can use a mild soap; others say not to. Replaceable filters should be changed when they start to look dirty. If there is a lot of dust or you have pets that shed, it will probably be more often than monthly. Heloise

P.S.: Try to check or replace the filters at the same time each month — the first day or first Saturday, for example — so you will keep on track.

Dear Heloise: While doing a “seldom chore” — cleaning out the medicine chest — I checked the “out date” (expiration date — Heloise) on each tube, bottle, etc. I discovered that all but one product was out of date, ranging from one to 10 years!

Now, I use a permanent marker to write the month and year on each item to ensure effective medication. Al from Wildwood, Fla.

Dear Heloise: When I take a shower and have to remove my glasses, my eyesight is very limited and blurry. After a few mistakes with shampoo, conditioner and body wash, I came up with this idea. I took a black marker and put a big “S” on the shampoo, “C” on the conditioner and “BW” for body wash. It took care of the mistakes. C.K., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I slept at my daughter’s recently during an emergency — no power. She wanted me to be able to call her if I needed anything. She gave me the activator part of the doorbell and had the chime noisemaker near her bed.

She uses this battery-operated item to signal her noise-making children in another part of the house that dinner is ready. Use your imagination — this method is good for solving many problems. Estelle Weissburg, Katy, Texas

Dear Heloise: I save cereal and other boxes. With a thin knife, I separate the box at the seam; then, turning it inside out, I reglue or tape new seams. Result: a box without writing. Five minutes of work saves on gas and purchase price of boxes. George Holko of Warren, Ohio

Dear Heloise: I have found a good use for the little plastic bags that are found on shirts and blouses for extra buttons. I put the buttons away and then keep my jewelry in the bags. I put earring pairs and chain necklaces in the bags. Now my jewelry items don’t get tangled together. K.M., via e-mail

• Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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