Veterinarian gives more pet pointers

Dear Readers: Here is the second installment of a vet’s pet pointers on how to be a good pet owner during your veterinary-hospital visit. Heloise

• The veterinarian’s office is not a place for a field trip or a time for your children to ask questions — it is a place of business, and more importantly, it is a hospital.

•Sit at least 5 feet away from entrances and exits unless your pet is in a carrier. You never know what is coming in the door next.

•Do not let your dog sniff a cat in a carrier or on someone’s lap. Your dog, no matter how much it likes cats, will cause an unfamiliar cat’s adrenaline level to spike. And guess who gets to deal with that cat next — the doctor!

•Do not let your pet sniff or socialize with other animals in the waiting room. Most pets are already stressed, and many may be contagious.

•Do not make a call or answer your cell phone while in the veterinary hospital. Clients who do so at their appointment time in my hospital are asked to go to the waiting room, and the next person is taken ahead of them. You cannot listen to the doctor when you are on the phone.

•Call ahead for medication and food while you are at work. You can even prepay with a credit card. This is especially great when you are picking up items after work during busy times. Many veterinary hospitals offer online and e-mail communication to pre-order products.

•Bring records from your previous veterinarian if it is your first visit. Having them faxed ahead of time is even better. Don’t expect the staff to rush around and get the information immediately if you don’t bring it.

•Keep an emergency fund of $500 for your pet’s medical needs if you don’t have pet health insurance. If you have a hard time saving for this, ask your veterinarian if you can put a set dollar amount on your pet’s account every month in order to build a cash reserve. It’s better than putting it on a credit card. A Vet, via e-mail

Dear Readers: Jane Mitchell of Waterville, Maine, sent a photo of her 2-year-old white cat, Toby Tyler Mitchell, lying back with his mouth all the way open and a little black toy mouse on his tummy. Jane says, “It looks like Toby Tyler is laughing, as if to say, ‘Boy, that was a hot one!’”

To see funny Toby Tyler, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have seen several times that people find that birdseed they have stored in their house becomes infested with bugs, and they throw it in the trash. Why not throw it in the yard near the bird feeder? If the birds come across an occasional bug, they will think they are getting a special treat. Edna Carter, Simsbury, Conn.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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