U.S. Rep. Ryan presents YSU with $1.6M for manufacturing center

YOUNGSTOWN — U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan today delivered a $1.6 million federal direct appropriation to Youngstown State University for the creation of a National Defense Center of Excellence in Industrial Metrology and 3-D Imaging.

Metrology is the science of weights and measures, and the center will produce cutting-edge research for 21st century manufacturing, Ryan said.

The center is a partnership involving YSU, the Youngstown Business Incubator, and a number of businesses here and elsewhere.

Ryan of Niles, D-17th, has secured more than $10 million in federal money for YSU the past five years, including funding for a Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering and a CyberEnabled Industrial Innovation Center.

For the complete story, see Saturday’s Vindicator and Vindy.com