Neither vulnerable. North deals.

Neither vulnerable. North deals.


xA K 9 4 2

u8 4 3

vJ 6 2

w10 5


xQ 10 7 5 xJ 8 3

u10 7 6 5 u2

vK Q 10 9 vA 8 7 4 3

wJ wQ 9 8 6



uA K Q J 9


wA K 7 4 3 2

The bidding:


Pass Pass 1w Pass

1x Pass 2u Pass

2x Pass 3u Pass

4u Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

This deal is from the first round of the Victor Mitchell Board-a-Match Team Championship at the recent ACBL Fall North American Championships in Boston. Sitting South was British internationalist Paul Hackett.

A good auction led to a sound four-heart contract that would normally be laydown. However, the bad breaks in both hearts and clubs threatened even that contract.

West led the king of diamonds and continued with the queen, ruffed by declarer. He cashed the ace of clubs and West’s jack flashed a warning signal. Declarer continued with a low club, West discarded a spade and dummy’s ten lost to the queen. East returned the ace of diamonds forcing declarer to ruff.

Declarer led a low club, West discarded a spade and declarer ruffed low. Hackett decided that trumps were probably 4-1, so he cashed the king of spades, came to hand with the ace of trumps and led the king of clubs. West let go of another spade. Declarer simply continued with another club and, regardless of whether West ruffed high or low or discarded, declarer had 10 tricks. Count them.

2009 Tribune Media Services