Microchip makes it easy to identify stray pets

Dear Heloise: I have both of my dogs, some of my cats and my horses microchipped. The dogs wear collars with only my cell-phone number and the word “microchipped.” In the event that your animal has not been chipped, I strongly urge you to get it done.

By putting the microchip tag on an animal’s collar, that gives instant access to the animal’s ID number, owner’s name, etc. I love my animals and have taken steps to ensure that they remain mine. Brooke Dahart from Texas

Brooke, our Cabbie (a silver mini schnauzer) agrees! Many a beloved pet has returned safely home because of that little chip! Heloise

Dear Readers: Do you have a new kitty in the household? Start litter-box training right away. Place your pet in the litter box the minute you notice kitty sniffing for a place to go.

Push some of the litter around using a paw so kitty will know that’s the place to go. If your cat doesn’t make it to the litter box in time, use a paper towel to clean it up, and take kitty and paper towel to the litter box so the scent is associated with the litter.

Accidents do happen, so be ready to follow the same procedure each time. Soon kitty will learn that this is the place to go. Be sure to praise your pet for using the litter box. If you get angry when there is an accident, kitty will learn to go to the bathroom when you are not around! Heloise

Dear Readers: Terri Jean Kuss of Wanatah, Ind., sent a photo of 10-year-old cat Cuddles snuggled in the blankets in the blanket basket. It’s her way of saying, “Turn up the heat!” To see Cuddles, visit www.Heloise.com. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Several years ago when we took in an abandoned and starved kitten, it became apparent that she needed a special name.

Her exotic lynx-point Siamese markings and regal manner inevitably had visitors bowing and exclaiming, “What a lovely kitty!” A queen indeed. We thought about naming her Neferkitty (after Nefertiti) but named her Cleocatra and call her Cleo for short. Bonnie B. Zediker of Billings, Mont.

Scratch Cleo and tell her that no matter the name, she’s a lucky dame! Here’s another cute-as-a-kitten name. Angie H. of Madison, Ala., says: “My cousin had a cat named Peanut Butter. When she had kittens, my cousin kept one of kittens and named it Jelly!” Heloise

Dear Heloise: My whippet, Sophie, gets really cold in the winter, so I use an old flannel sheet in her bed. One cold night, I put the sheet in the dryer for five minutes before putting it in her bed. She jumped in, snuggled down and went right to sleep. We’ve started a nightly winter ritual. Patti, via e-mail

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