With coupons, stretch your charity donation dollars

Dear Readers: Most of us try to help others in need, and with our economy the way it is, so many more need our help. Find out what your favorite charity really needs. Instead of donating money, get discount coupons and head for the sales. A donation of $25 cash can buy $80 or more of sale merchandise with coupons and markdowns.

Check in your area to find out what specifically is needed — you may find that what you are donating is appreciated but not all that helpful. Heavy winter clothes are not much use in South Texas or Florida. I try to get something extra each time I shop, and always cruise by the table that holds underwear, nightclothes and socks. Heloise

P.S.: Folks, when shopping for groceries, try to pick up a couple of cans that are on sale or that you have coupons for. You’ll have a lot to donate in just a few weeks.

Dear Heloise: I love to use candy boxes for earring storage. Here’s why:

•They store flat.

•They don’t take up much room.

•They can be covered, if necessary.

•You can categorize by silver, gold, pearl or colors, which makes finding an item a snap.

•The compartmentalized insert is all one molded piece.

Geraldine Spencer from California

The trays can be lifted out easily to reveal a second layer. Don’t have a candy box? Use an empty ice-cube tray. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I read the hint about photos of luggage, and it was right-on. When computers first came into use, I wanted to install a new memory card. I took photos of the inside of the computer, then photos of each change, and kept all the photos in an album, with each labeled. Since then, I have taken photos of lots of necessary items — like one earlier suggestion, my car site on a mall lot, including the cars on either side of it; my property in case of a storm; and the list goes on and on.

Having those photos has made insurance and other legal problems go away easier. There is one special benefit — my memory stays pretty good, too! Stella Watkins, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Having grandkids in my car, things get spilled and not cleaned up right away. The car will smell even after cleaning. I put a dryer sheet in the car, and it worked great. Deb Wilson, via e-mail

Deb, this is an odor-buster hint that everyone can use. Heloise

Sound Off

Dear Heloise: My Sound Off is about the bags that manufacturers put cereal, cookies, potato chips and other snacks in. I know they could make a bag that would stay closed when folded down. It makes me wonder if they don’t because things go stale sooner. Fran Cochran, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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