musical junk food

musical junk food

An initiative to encourage healthy teen relationships says songs by Jamie Foxx and Lady Gaga are the musical equivalent of junk food. A teen panel working with the Boston Public Health Commission has determined that their songs are among the top 10 with “unhealthy relationship ingredients.”

The commission released its list based on a “nutrition label” rating popular songs on healthy relationship themes.

The “Sound Relationships Nutrition Label” was developed by 14 teens after they attended a seven-week commission-sponsored institute on healthy relationship promotion and teen dating violence prevention. During the seven-week program, teens were also taught to evaluate music based on themes of power, control, equality and gender roles.

The teens then developed their list after analyzing songs from Billboard’s “Hot 100” chart.

Mario’s “Break Up” featuring Gucci Man and Sean Garrett and Jamie Foxx’s “Blame It” featuring T-Pain topped the list for the most unhealthy relationship songs of 2009. Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” and Pitbull’s “Hotel Room Service” were also listed.

Among the teen panel’s top 10 songs with healthy themes: “Miss Independent” by Ne-Yo and “Meet Me Halfway” by the Black Eyed Peas.

downloadable games

D3Publisher’s Beta Bloc and Super Pocket Tennis games are now available for download via the PlayStation Store in North America. PSP system owners will now have easy access to play Beta Bloc, a mix of RPG and brick-breaking gameplay played vertically on the PSP system, or become a tennis superstar as they serve, smash, lob, and volley their way to the top with Super Pocket Tennis. Beta Bloc and Super Pocket Tennis are now available for download for $4.99 each. Both games are rated E.

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