Here’s hint to avoid stinky situation

Dear Heloise: Twice in two years we have had a skunk move in under our patio enclosure. Skunks are much smaller than most folks realize, and they can get in through a very small opening. We live in the country, and they are a quite common sight at night. They also are beneficial, as they mainly eat grubs.

Anyhow, all I did was put a boombox-type radio on the floor and let it play on an all-night talk-radio station at a loud volume, and in the morning, the skunk was gone. We found the entry point, plugged it and voil °, no more skunk! If openings are large, exterminators recommend chicken wire buried 3 inches into the ground and then tacked to the decking. Ellen, via e-mail

My, what does this say about talk radio? Heloise

Dear Heloise: We are avid hockey fans. Our Boston terrier is named PJ (Puck Jr. ... he replaced Puck), and our Shih Tzu is named Zamboni (machine that clears the ice). Louise Portera from Nebraska

We love the pet names our readers send in. Here is another, from Barbara Wilson of Prescott, Ariz. She says: “My husband and I worked summers in Yellowstone National Park, where there were lots of grizzly and black bears. One of the new workers had a huge shaggy dog named Bear who liked to run away. The first time it happened, she began calling her dog, yelling “Bear” and causing everyone to run outside wielding brooms, hiking sticks, etc.” Heloise

Dear Readers: Donald Albright of Logansport, Ind., sent a photo of his dog Moka finding a bug on the floor. Donald says: “Moka saw a bug crawling across the floor, and got so excited that she watched it for several minutes, then went and got her brother, Ringo, and showed him. She wouldn’t hurt it, she just wanted to watch it and see what it was. She had to get this close and look at it and smell it. She finally decided, yep, it’s a bug!”

To see Moka on a bug expedition, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have two adorable cats that love to chase my computer mouse across its pad. I got frustrated with all the fine fur that got stuck on both the pad and the mouse ball. I used a lint roller on the pad and compressed air in the mouse itself. Now, the ball tracks where it’s supposed to, and I have a cleaner pad. Renee, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Another solution for snug pet beds: I use a cheap pillow and cover it with the zip-on pillow cover, then cover that with a flannel pillowcase. My Chihuahua, Tanner, gets chilly at night, and he loves the flannel. He crawls inside the flannel case and sleeps snugly. I wash the pillowcase and cover often, and replace the pillow as often as needed. Marlene in Illinois

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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