From hill of beans, make draft blocker

Dear Heloise: Rather than paying a lot for a draft guard, make one yourself from one of those unmatched socks we all have on hand. Choose a long sock (such as a man’s dress sock or the good leg on a pair of tights). Put a paper-towel core or rolled newspaper into the sock to serve as a funnel, then pour in dried beans almost to the top, knot the top and you’re done. Fill a few more and line them up end to end to cover a door’s threshold. Mary, via e-mail

Mary, an oldie but goodie energy-saving hint! Thanks for the reminder. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I am constantly losing my keys in my purse. They seem to fall to the bottom, and I never remember which section they are in. I bought a small-size dog collar and fastened it around one of the straps of my purse. Before I even exit my car, I attach the dog collar through the ring of my keys, and they are simple to find. Judie H., Cromwell, Ind.

Well, that’s one way to prevent losing your keys. I use a carabiner hooked onto the strap of my purse — easily attached and always in sight. Heloise

Dear Heloise: A motorist’s vision is restricted somewhat by pesky film that gathers on the interior of the windshield and back window. Usually these areas are difficult to clean. I put a clean dust cloth on a floor sweeper/dust mop and swab away. The long handle and swivel head make it easy to clean the areas. Ronald, Alexandria, Va.

Ronald, good hint! I cleaned the rear inside window of my car because it was covered with that cloudy film, too. I used good ol’ vinegar and a microfiber cloth, and my, what a difference! Vinegar is a miracle liquid, with so many uses. In these tough economic times, it’s a real money-saver. For more hints using vinegar that you might not know, just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. This six-page pamphlet covers vinegar types, household uses, cooking uses and even a few recipes, so send for yours today! Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have a wooden rocking chair I love, but when I would get up, it would slide rapidly backward and away. I went to a home-improvement store and asked for the narrow safety strips that you put in the bottom of the bathtub, then I put one on each rocker. It worked splendidly! Josephine in California

Dear Heloise: You offered a suggestion to use vinyl tiles under the sink. When I moved into my new house, we used them in the cupboards as well. Easy to clean, and I do not have to change shelf paper ever! Marynell in Maryland

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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