Throw-rug rubber backing mars linoleum floors

Dear Heloise: We have small throw rugs with rubber backing (helps to keep them from sliding) on two bathroom linoleum floors, which have yellowed from the imprint of the rubber backing. We have tried every known cleaner without success. Any hints on how we can get these ugly stains out? Michael and Betty in Iowa

Sorry to say, probably not. It’s not really a “stain” that can be removed. The yellow is from the rubber causing a chemical reaction with the linoleum or even any cleaning agent or polish you have used. Flooring experts agree that you should not use rubber-backed rugs on linoleum for just this reason.

Hint: Your mats aren’t the only thing that could stain this flooring. Rubber feet on bar stools, or rubber wheels on kitchen islands or microwave carts, also could damage your linoleum.

Speaking of linoleum, a quick tip for removing those black scuff marks that shoes leave behind is to rub the area with a wet fabric-softener sheet, and voila! Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have read your columns on hints for traveling, and they came in so handy when I went back East on the train. I used my address labels on everything, and took some to put on things as I bought them.

I also took lots of resealable storage bags of all sizes to put my used clothing and such in. I used smaller bags for bath soap, shampoo and toiletries. This was so helpful to keep things from getting other things wet. I had ribbons on my luggage, and it was easy to find. One woman had used fabric paints and painted flowers all over hers. It looked cool, too. B.J. from New Mexico

Dear Heloise: You had a solution with vinegar for cleaning eyeglasses. Would you please run it again? Thanks! Dale Fisher, via e-mail

Dale, you bet! Especially in these tough times, it’s smart to use low-cost, safe products. For sparkling-clean windows, mirrors or your glasses, add 1‚Ñ2 to 1 cup of vinegar to 1‚Ñ2 gallon of water. Put the solution in a labeled spray bottle. Wipe with a soft cloth so your eyeglasses don’t get scratched.

Vinegar is a multiuse money-saver. If you’re interested in other hints using vinegar to clean things, why not order my pamphlet, Heloise’s Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More. Just send $5 with a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. I’ll be happy to mail one out to you! Another handy vinegar hint you can try is to soak your paintbrushes in vinegar and water for a few hours to keep them soft and supple. Heloise

Dear Heloise: If your dishwasher drains through the garbage disposal, turn it on when the dishwasher is draining. This cleans and freshens the disposal. Tommie Rogers of Tyler, Texas