Retirees make routine food-bank donations

Dear Heloise: After reading about the lady who asked visiting friends to bring a can of food, which later she took to a food bank, I thought I’d share our idea that started a couple of years ago.

I am a member of the Charlotte County Retired Educators Association in Florida, and I came up with the idea to have each member bring a can of food or a nonperishable food item to our monthly meetings from October to May. Our motto is: “We all can with one can at a time feed the hungry and homeless.” We bring the goods and place them in boxes.

During the meeting, we draw the name of a food bank from an envelope with all the local food banks’ names in it. Then a member who lives nearest the food bank drops the food off after the meeting. Almost every month we receive a thank-you note from the receiving food bank.

It is a good feeling to know that we help feed someone without putting a big financial burden on any of our members. Now, wouldn’t it be great to plant this seed with all the clubs and organizations around our caring country? I think we can! Arlene Kincaid in Florida

Yes, ma’am! Consider the “seed” planted and spread across this country! My sincere thanks to you and your group for this heart hint. My hint? If you pick up only one or two extra cans when you shop, it won’t “dent” your budget. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I make flavored coffee and use the mix that is in a small tin. I’ve started using the tins to hold: paper clips, binder clips, staples and little knickknacks. The added bonus is that the tins fit nicely on shelves or in drawers, and they are stackable. Cortney, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: So many times I have forgotten to check pockets on clothes before washing and have had a tissue shred through my whole load. What a frustrating mess!

Now I tape a piece of paper stating “check pockets” on my laundry-detergent bottle/box. It is an excellent reminder, and saves me a lot of grief and time. Pam, Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Dear Heloise: Can’t find your car in the parking lot? Try this: When you park your car in a large lot, take out your shopping list and write your parking-spot location on it. Finish shopping and check your car’s location on the way out of the store. Works for me! Toni M., Billings, Mont.

Dear Heloise: Please ask the people who run restaurants to instruct the wait staff to speak clearly and not chew gum while explaining the menu.

Many of my friends and I have to ask, several times over, “What did you say?” Even when it’s relatively quiet (which it seldom is), they ramble or run through the menu so fast, I can’t figure out what I want! Tom P., Washington, D.C.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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