Ozone machines can kill smoke odors

Dear Heloise: I read your response regarding smoke-odor elimination, and I am surprised that you did not refer the writer to a dry cleaner who had an ozone machine to remove the smoke odor. The machines work and do a fantastic job of removing all smoke, and then items can be cleaned afterward, either by washing or dry cleaning, based on the fabric.

My best story to emphasize the effectiveness of an ozone machine is that of my sister-in-law and her husband, who purchased a used mobile home. The former owner of some 20-plus years was a heavy smoker, and the home reeked of cigarette smoke. A month before they moved, I placed my ozone machine inside and let it run 24 hours a day until they moved in. And what a surprise to them — no smoke smell!

I would advise your reader to contact a local cleaner who specializes in garment restoration involving smoke odor. Chuck Davies, retired executive director, Texas Laundry and Drycleaning Association

Chuck, you are absolutely right! Folks, check around for a cleaner who specializes in this area and has the equipment. My long association with the Drycleaning and Laundry Institute has taught me to go to the experts, and you are one. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I had the same ideas as a reader who passed a lot of family items to her children. I did the same with my son, including my father’s World War I medals, his U.S. Marine Corps discharge and his business awards. These items are of no intrinsic value at all.

My son predeceased me. For the past 10 years, his widow has refused to return these items, and now we have heard that she is going to remarry. These family heirlooms should rightly belong to my daughter, but it looks like they are gone forever.

Anyone contemplating the same move had better think long and hard about the possibility of nonfamily gaining control. Bob, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Last week, I got the idea to open a checking account with a local branch of a banking system that I know is in the city I’ll be visiting on my upcoming vacation. Should I need cash, I won’t have to ask my friend in that city to take one of my out-of-state checks for some cash. His kindness was so helpful and appreciated, but now I won’t have to bother him. Lana Hall, Naples, Fla.

Dear Heloise: I like egg-and-sausage sandwiches on English muffins for a quick breakfast. I like mine homemade, though, and hate the mess of making sausage patties. After I’ve seasoned the meat, I press it into a canning-jar lid. Once it’s been formed, it’s an easy deal to push it out of the lid. I make about a pound at a time and freeze the patties; a hearty homemade breakfast sandwich is always just a few minutes away! Joel Strauss, Las Vegas

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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