Because of risk, don’t buy dented food cans

Dear Heloise: Can you address the safety of using food from dented cans? I was taught to never use them, but my friend does all the time and says as long as it isn’t bulged, it’s OK. Who is right? Susan S., via e-mail

Remember the adage “When in doubt, throw it out”? That is the mantra you should follow. According to the USDA Food Safety Department, you should not eat food from cans that are leaking, bulging, rusting or badly dented. Even a tiny puncture can allow bacteria to contaminate the contents. Your family’s health isn’t worth the risk. Heloise

P.S.: Don’t buy dented cans! But, if you drop it on the floor at home and dent it, it’s OK to open and eat right then.

Dear Heloise: This is a reminder to never add cooking spray to cookware without first shutting off the stove burner. If the cooking spray contains a propellant, it could cause a burst of flame! Janeen S., Boardman, Ohio

Dear Heloise: Place a tea cozy on your teapot after boiling water. It keeps the water hot longer ... for another cup. Kay S. Osborne from Mission Viejo, Calif.

Any time is a good time for a delicious cup of tea. Here in South Texas, iced tea is the favorite! I do brew fresh tea to make iced tea. Yes, it might be a little more effort, but it tastes sooo much better.

Here is how I learned to brew tea from a dear friend, Mrs. Carey. Put the water on to boil and bring the teapot to the kettle, not the kettle to the pot. Put in 1 teaspoonful of loose tea leaves or a regular-size tea bag (Mrs. C. would frown at tea bags!) per cup.

Pour in the boiling water, stir two or three times if using tea leaves, then let brew for 3-5 minutes. It’s better to make it stronger and dilute with water than add too much hot water to brew.

Want some tasty and cheap recipes for flavored teas, such as Friendship, Ginger, Zesty Mint/ Lemon Tea and one of my favorites, Spiced Tea? Just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/CT, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Here’s how to make delicious Anise and Lemon Tea. Crush 3 tablespoons anise seeds and add to 2 cups tea leaves and 1‚Ñ2 cup dried grated lemon peel. It’s especially tasty with brown sugar to sweeten. Heloise

Dear Heloise: To keep brown sugar soft, I’ve always used the following easy method: Simply put a slice or two of bread in the container holding the brown sugar. It works overnight. It also works in a cookie jar with cookies that get hard. The bread gets hard instead of the cookies. And then I just toss the bread out for the birds. Everyone is happy. Juanita Clopton, Ferris, Texas

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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