Grapes, raisins can be harmful to dogs

Dear Heloise: Veterinarians tell us that grapes and raisins are hazardous to your dog’s health and can even be fatal, depending on the size and weight of the dog. Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of grape or raisin poisoning, which may lead to acute kidney failure if not treated within 24 hours.

Onions and garlic are also no-nos.

Keep sugarless gum, candy and mints away from Fido as well. The xylitol found in these items can cause severe liver damage and death, depending on the amount ingested and the size of the dog. Heloise

Dear Readers: Mary Ann Thomas of Trinity, Ala., sent a photo of her cat Indiana and her grandson’s turtle Maw as they have a standoff. Mary Ann says, “I turtle-sat last summer, and these two were a bit suspicious of one another.”

To see the cat-versus-turtle standoff, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: Pet shelters are usually in great need of volunteers, food, cat litter, newspapers, towels and blankets. Contact a nearby shelter to find out its needs. Then go through your linen closet and pull out all the old towels and blankets. Gather up old newspapers, which can be used to line cages. Take these to the shelter, and while you are at it, why not make a donation and inquire about volunteering? Your help will be appreciated. Ginny in Texas

Dear Heloise: Algae buildup in my aquarium was a problem until we relocated the aquarium to a place where it got better natural light. A local pet store told us the light on top of the aquarium could cause more algae to grow. Since we don’t use the light as much, the problem is under control. Jean, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I was given a couple of little finches for my birthday. My mom said that I needed to do a little research on them so I would know the best way to take care of them. I found out that you should never keep birds in the kitchen or near a bathroom where any type of aerosol sprays are used. The propellant in the sprays can be deadly to the respiratory system of birds!

And don’t use cotton balls for nest fillers — the cotton can get caught in their feet. You can buy nesting material at any pet store. P.K. in Louisiana

Dear Readers: There are lots of rabbit lovers out there. If you are thinking about getting a rabbit or a pair of rabbits but don’t want to end up with a tribe of little ones, you can have them spayed or neutered. A veterinarian familiar with exotic animals should be able to do this for you. Rabbits that are spayed or neutered are less aggressive, are easier to litter-box train, are less apt to spray to mark their territory, and have a decreased desire to chew on things.Heloise

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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