Stop blaming Obama already

Stop blaming Obama already


Since the Republicans, sore losers that they are, have no real plan to fix our economy, they have resorted to calling President Obama a socialist because of his stimulus plan. Republicans act as if those years between 2000 and 2006, when they were in charge of everything, never existed and they, therefore, cannot be responsible for this mess.

If memory serves, Mr. Bush took office with a surplus of cash left by a Democratic president. During the Bush administration we entered into a no-win war primarily financed by borrowed money from Communist China. There was a collapse of Enron, Tyco, and World Comm, when thousands lost jobs and their life savings. The Bush Administration also doled out billions of taxpayer dollars to Wall Street, banks and AIG before leaving for Texas. Then there were the corporate subsidies, at taxpayer expense, to corporations like Exxon Mobile, to name one, while they reported record profits. If this was done to create jobs, where are the jobs? During this same period, a record number of corporations, Halliburton, for one, moved their business offices “off shore” to avoid paying taxes to our government. The Republicans were instrumental in the collapse of our economy and did nothing to stop it. They left Washington with the largest debt in the history of this country and never looked back.

Those people in our country who are against socialist benefits must be very fortunate. They must not need Social Security, social welfare, unemployment benefits, Medicare, Medicaid, or workers compensation. Those who have served our country in the military have the Veteran’s Administration to assist in their needs as a thank you. Could this be considered a socialist benefit?

Last week, “Tea Party” protesters objected to the way their tax money is spent by the Obama Administration. Where were these people from 2000 to 2008? Shopping?


New Castle