Vacation plans? These hints will help

Dear Readers: It is time to begin thinking about summer vacation, and there are several things you need to remember when planning your getaway.

If you are flying, give flight information and contact phone numbers to family and friends.

Service your car if you’re driving (wipers, brakes, lights). Keep an emergency box stocked with a first-aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, large trash bags and a collapsible roadside warning triangle.

Arrange for someone to water your plants or garden. Put a hold on newspaper and mail, and set timers on lights throughout the house to go on and off at different times. It also is a good idea to leave a spare set of house and car keys with someone in case of an emergency. Let your neighbors know you are leaving so they can keep an eye on your home while you are away. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Regarding the use of night lights in hotel rooms: I tried this when my children were small, and I can’t tell you how many night lights I left behind in hotel rooms! Now when we travel, my husband and I turn on the bathroom light and just “crack” the door. With most rooms’ floor plans, it sheds enough light for the entire room, especially in the one room you’re looking for in the middle of the night! Laura Jones, Kerrville, Texas

Dear Heloise: When I go shopping, I carry only a billfold with my driver’s license, insurance cards, prescription list, low-limit charge card and checkbook. I hold my billfold tightly and never leave it in the shopping cart. I have photocopies of my license and all cards, front and back, in my desk at home. If I lose my billfold or it is stolen, I can report the loss to the right agencies, providing all the appropriate serial numbers. Pat Wacha, Clarkson, Neb.

Dear Heloise: My washer and dryer are in my garage, and it’s hard to keep them clean. I purchased a hand towel that is colorful, so it is very visible. I put it in the last load of laundry, and when I remove the damp towel, I use it to wipe off and clean my washer and dryer. When I’m done, I have a hook on the wall next to the washer where it will dry and be very visible the next time. Jackye Phillips, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: It can sometimes be very hard to nail or screw in little hooks and such when you have to hold both the hook and the nail in one hand and the hammer in the other. I have found that a small piece of double-sided tape can hold the hook at the proper spot temporarily, allowing you to use both of your hands to do the rest of the work. Brigitte Daigle, New Brunswick, Canada

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