Vet took time to give kids special treatment

Dear Heloise: One of your recently printed pet pointers (from a vet) said that a vet’s office is not a place or a time for your children to ask questions. Perhaps that vet’s office is run this way, but the office of my vet is different.

During the 23 years I took my dogs to my vet for regular shots and check-ups, I often had school-age children with me. This excellent vet never discouraged them from asking a few questions. In fact, even on a busy schedule, he would invite them to help with weighing or would ask them about any observations they had. He explained procedures and outcomes at their level of understanding. They always came away from a visit to the vet knowing more about our dog and about a vet’s life and work.

July 2008 was our old dog’s last appointment, and a 15-year-old female friend, who had known him most of his life, wanted to be with him to the end. The vet, whom she knew well by that time, gently explained everything to her, and she felt it was a privilege to hold and talk to the dog as he was euthanized. It was a visit that our young friend will never forget, and she was relieved to discover that it was not a frightening thing at all. She was a stronger person for being a participant in this transition. We admire her for being present and compassionate, and for crying with us over the loss of a lovely, sweet-natured companion whose time to say goodbye had arrived.

I offer this as an instructive example of what can happen in a vet’s office that goes far beyond it being a business of cool efficiency and professional animal doctoring.Candy Watson, Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada

Candy, the majority of vets certainly are willing to answer children’s questions and treat all clients with respect. However, my sense is that the vet who wrote the letter meant that while in the exam room and under stress to keep appointment running on time or with an animal that may react badly, it’s not the best situation to answer questions from a child. Heloise

Dear Readers: Katy Novak of Canyon Lake, Texas, sent a photo of the love of her life, Zara, a miniature red smooth dachshund, hiding under the pillows. Katy said Zara will be 6 years old and loves to jump on the bed in the spare bedroom and hide under the pillows.

To see the photo of Zara, visit Heloise

Dear Heloise: In the baby department in stores, they sell diaper disposal bags. They come in boxes of 50 or 100 and are compact in narrow boxes. They are inexpensive, convenient and a perfect size for litter scoops and picking up after your dog. Purchase at a store that sells things for a dollar. Jean Milici, Torrington, Conn.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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