Denture solution leads to smiles

Dear Heloise: What is the best way to clean dentures, other than soaking them overnight? Lois, via e-mail

Well, you can use this Heloise denture-cleaning solution, but be aware that it contains bleach and cannot be used on cast-chrome, gold-framed or partial dentures that have wire or metal frames, so check with your dentist first.

You’ll need: 1 teaspoon of household bleach, 1 teaspoon of powdered water softener (found in the laundry-detergent section of a grocery store), and 1 cup of water.

Soak your dentures in the solution for 10-15 minutes daily, then brush and rinse very well. Heloise

P.S.: You must make this fresh every time.

Dear Heloise: Since greeting cards are expensive and most people don’t save them, I give small recipe books instead. I write a note inside the front cover for the occasion being celebrated. So far, everyone has liked the idea. E. Parnell, Monument, Colo.

Dear Heloise: For many years, I have fixed snags in all types of clothing using a darning needle. I use it to pull or push the snag to the backside. If the snag is long enough, and depending on the type of fabric/material, I sometimes weave it into the backside. My husband and I enjoy your hints. Thanks. Viola from Wisconsin

Dear Heloise: Recently, I went on a cruise and didn’t want to take my bottle of perfume with me. So, I sprayed some perfume on several cotton balls and placed them in an old pill container. It worked great, and no broken perfume bottles. M. Smith, Hutchinson, Kan.

You are one smart cruise traveler, with no broken bottles to contend with! Heloise

Dear Heloise: I read about the plight of a reader with wire hangers. We use them to place into plants and flowers we leave at the cemetery. They can be cut into long spikes to place into the containers so that the containers don’t fly around or tip over. This way, they retain their water a little longer and don’t disappear in the cemetery proper. Mary E. Bernal, San Antonio

Dear Heloise: I use my clothes dryer to dust. Clothes that have hung in storage too long? I throw them into the dryer on “fluff.” Scatter rugs full of dog or cat hair, grass and crumbs? Throw them into the dryer. I give a couple of sprays of fabric freshener/deodorizer first. It’s amazing how well this works and cuts down on the wear on scatter rugs from the sweeper chewing on them or from too-frequent washings of rugs. Lisa Betts, Carlisle, Pa.

Dear Heloise: I have another great way to reuse old spice bottles. I get more of the same spice in bulk from the store. It’s cheaper to get refills! Penelope Loughhead, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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