Downloading author’s book list makes shopping easier

Dear Heloise: You can download the book list of an author and put it into a spreadsheet. Searching online for the author by name gives you an option of the bibliography of his or her works. We just copy the list of books and put this into a spreadsheet. We print two copies of the spreadsheet on a page and cut it in half so it will fit into two small three-ring binders (one for home and one for the car for shopping). These are handy when we search for used and out-of-print books.

A great source for readers is library bookstores (affiliated with some libraries), where you can get great buys on donated books and movies. It is an excellent place to share books and movies you no longer want. The funds go toward new books for the library. P.J.S., Irvine, Calif.

Reading books — fiction or nonfiction — can be such a pleasure, as well as a learning tool. Our libraries are waiting for you to explore! Heloise

Dear Heloise: Here are more clothespin-use suggestions: I keep a small note pad and a couple of clothespins in the car to attach a “don’t forget to ...” note to my sun visor to remind me to go by the bank, or whatever, on the way home after work.

I’ve also used clothespins to attach notes to a friend’s or neighbor’s front door when I dropped by unexpectedly and found no one at home. H.F., Huntsville, Ala.

Dear Heloise: Another hint for newspaper sleeves: If you are traveling with younger children, roll up a pair of socks, underwear, shorts and T-shirt, and put them in the sleeve. When they dress each morning, they have everything together and can dress themselves.

At night, put the dirty clothes back in the sleeve. Sure keeps the suitcases neater. This also is good for small children who have to get up early to go to the sitter or preschool. They can just pull an already-packed sleeve out of their drawer and not have to bother Mom. Doris Turpin, Louisiana, Mo.

Dear Heloise: To get double life out of dull emery boards, cut them with scissors lengthwise down the middle, and then you have two extra boards that will offer you a few more filings. Kirsten Yoder, Friendswood, Texas

Sound Off

Dear Heloise: My Sound Off is about the lack of courtesy! You see it everywhere: In your car, when people won’t let you over or don’t yield; and at the grocery store, when people cut you off in the parking lot or don’t move their grocery cart when you’re trying to go down an aisle.

I wish people would be a little more courteous! It would make things much nicer! Adrienne, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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