Coffee in vacuum cures doggy odor

Dear Heloise: Upon cleaning up after my dog, the canister on my upright vacuum began retaining a “doggy smell.” I tried cleaning the canister and vacuuming up scented pellets, but each time I vacuumed, my home would smell like dog.

In frustration, I put a tablespoon of freshly ground flavored coffee in the canister before I vacuumed and was amazed. The delightful coffee scent overpowered the doggy smell, and my entire home now smells like vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut or whatever ground coffee I’m having! Kathi, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Here are a few of my water conservation hints:

•After a quick rinse in the shower, turn the water off, shampoo, lather, turn the water on and rinse. Showers are under four minutes. We don’t take baths (uses too much water).

•When sprinklers are on, run each zone for five minutes, repeat twice. There is enough time for the water to soak into the ground, and you won’t have water running down the street.

•Run a full dishwasher and a nearly full washing machine (too full will not get clothes clean).

•We put a five-gallon bucket in the sink and catch water for any use. If it is soapy, use it to run the garbage disposal; if not, use it to water plants or grass.

J.B., Dallas

Saving water is a top priority in many parts of the country, including my home state of Texas, which is facing one of the worst droughts in decades! Remember, a drip or small leak can waste thousands of gallons daily. Saving water is good for Mother Earth and your household budget. Heloise

Dear Heloise: I wash our tile bathroom floors the old-fashioned way — on my hands and knees. I use a roll of paper towels as a knee cushion and unroll what I need as I move along. J.F., Litchfield, Conn.

Dear Heloise: Air-freshener sprays were leaving a dark film on my bathroom floor. To avoid this, I hang an old, unused towel on my towel rack closest to the commode and spray directly onto the towel. It scents the air without a mess. Frances McCollum, Fairfax, Va.

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