Reader uses hint to make a car-accident form

Dear Heloise: I read an article from a reader who made up a checklist in case she was in an accident. I made a form with the information that was suggested. I printed this data on the page, leaving space so I could copy my car-insurance card above it. There is still space for a sketch and pertinent damage information. I have placed this page, along with a pen, in a plastic bag in the glove compartment. Charlyne in Texas

The original hint said to make a checklist so you can write all the necessary information, like the other person’s name, address, home and work numbers, driver’s license number, car make, model and color, license-plate number, insurance company, policy number, expiration date, agent’s name, address and phone number.

Another thing you can do is carry a disposable camera in the glove box to take photos of the cars involved. It might help if there are problems with the insurance company. Heloise

Dear Readers: Here are a few handy ways from Heloise Central to reuse a potato-chip can:

• As a container for pens and pencils.

• Make into a piggy bank — cut a slit in the plastic top to drop in money.

• Crochet or knitting supplies fit nicely inside one.

• Store uncooked macaroni in one.

• Use to keep a small child’s toys organized.


Dear Heloise: I have read many hints for using old pantyhose. What about this one? I lost the case for my beach umbrella and discovered that one leg from an old pair works great! It’s easy to put on and pull off, and to store in your beach bag for the day. Barbara Keyler, La Mesa, Calif.

Dear Heloise: I have a mattress that is heavy and hard for me to turn, so I turn me instead! Each time I put on fresh linens, I make the opposite end the foot, so every two weeks I switch ends.

It confuses the cats as to where my feet are, but it saves a lot of struggle. Liz Warren, via e-mail

Sound off

Dear Heloise: Please make people aware that not only are some people allergic to perfume and cologne, but also for some people it triggers asthma attacks. I avoid theaters, planes and other closed-in, crowded places, because even lightly scented perfume can “take my breath away.”

People should not assume that others are enjoying their potentially life-threatening scent. I’m sure there are many nice people who wear perfume/cologne and are unaware of this. Kirk Brown, Plymouth, N.H.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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