Dress Codes | Austintown comparison

Austintown school board has assembled a committee to research and plan a possible “limited dress code” for Fitch High and Austintown Middle School, starting next fall. Here’s a look at the current restrictions, compared with those at three local schools and one Franklin County school.


Flip-flops: some.

Jeans: some.

Skirts: some.

Patterned shirts: no.

Hooded or zip-up sweatshirts: some.

Logo shirts: some.


Flip-flops: yes.

Jeans: some.

Skirts: some.

Patterned shirts: no.

Hooded or zip-up sweatshirts: some.

Logo shirts: some.


Flip-flops: yes.

Jeans: yes.

Skirts: some.

Patterned shirts: yes.

Hooded or zip-up sweatshirts: yes.

Logo shirts: some.


Flip-flops: yes.

Jeans: yes.

Skirts: some.

Patterned shirts: yes.

Hooded or zip-up sweatshirts: yes.

Logo shirts: some.


Flip-flops: yes.

Jeans: yes.

Skirts: some.

Patterned shirts: yes.

Hooded or zip-up sweatshirts: yes.

Logo shirts: yes.