Both vulnerable. South deals.

Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA K Q 6

u9 5 3

vJ 8 4

wA J 7


x9 7 xJ 10 4 3

uQ 10 2 u8 7 6 4

vA 9 5 vQ 10 6 3

wK 6 5 3 2 w4


x8 5 2

uA K J

vK 7 2

wQ 10 9 8

The bidding:


1w Pass 1x Pass

1NT Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Three of w

Here is a classic example of a hand that both the relative novice and the expert find easy to play. The difference is that the novice goes down while the technician romps home with the contract.

There is nothing untoward in the auction. With a good opening bid facing partner’s minimum opener and no eight-card major fit, North’s raise to three no trump was automatic.

West led a low club, giving away nothing. South won the opening lead with the eight and repeated the finesse. When this won, he could count eight tricks — three in each black suit and two hearts. The novice will probably test spades to see if there is an even break. When there is not, he will likely try the heart finesse, which loses. West can exit with a club. South takes it with the ace, and tries a diamond to the king, and when that loses, the roof falls in— down three.

The expert’s play to the first two tricks is the same. However, he will then cash two spades, clear the ace of clubs, come to hand with the king of hearts and exit with a club. After West takes his two clubs tricks, he must lead a red card and, be it a diamond or a heart, he presents declarer with his ninth trick.

2008 Tribune Media Services