Will lavender make boys’ breasts bigger?

Q. Is it true that lavender oil can increase female hormones in men and boys? If so, shouldn’t there be a warning on soaps, shampoos and shower gels? A lot of personal-care products have lavender fragrance, whether you notice it or not.

A. Lavender does not increase female hormone levels in the body. Nevertheless, this herbal oil may act like estrogen on its own.

The lavender link was brought to public attention in the New England Journal of Medicine (Feb. 1, 2007). Researchers reported that three boys developed enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) after using styling gel, shampoo, lotion, soap or salve containing lavender oil.

The investigators detected lavender oil’s estrogenic action in test-tube experiments and cautioned physicians that repeated use of such products might lead to hormonal disruption.

Other scientists questioned the conclusion that lavender oil poses a potential risk to children. But the original researchers pointed out that the breast enlargement disappeared when the products were discontinued.

Q. Is there anything to help with pediatric eczema? My son has tried everything for my granddaughter. Topical steroids helped for a while, but I worry about long-term side effects. Probiotics were suggested, but I don’t know anything about them. Any information would be most welcome.

A. Research suggests that good bacteria (probiotics) may prevent or reduce the severity of eczema in children (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology online, Sept. 2, 2008). American health professionals are less familiar than their European colleagues with the use of probiotics to treat conditions such as eczema, food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

We are sending you our new Guide to Skin Care and Treatment with various eczema treatment options plus a one-hour CD with our radio interview of Dr. Kelly Karpa, an expert on probiotics and author of “Bacteria for Breakfast.” Anyone who would like this information may send $18 to: Graedons’ People’s Pharmacy (Dept. S-627), P.O. Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027.

Q. I have several little skin tags in my armpits. Is there anything that can be put on them so they will go away? I do not want to pay a doctor to cut them off.

A. Dermatologists can easily remove skin tags (small, benign fleshy skin growths), but it will cost you something for this procedure. Readers of this column have offered several suggestions for getting rid of skin tags:

“Band-Aid makes a product called Clear Spots — 50 tiny square pads with adhesive around all four sides. I cover the skin tag tightly with a Clear Spot, and after a week to 10 days, it shrivels up and falls off.”

Another reader tried New-Skin liquid bandage: “I have a variety of sizes of skin tags on my neck and chest. The smallest ones shriveled up and fell off after just a couple of days of applying New-Skin twice a day. It was amazing!”

Another approach requires some fortitude: “I am a nurse, and for years I have tied a piece of thread around the tag at the base, pulled it tight, made a tight knot and cut off the long ends. (It stings at first, then it’s all right.) After three or four days, the tag turns black and falls off, similar to bobbing a lamb’s tail. It strangles the blood supply and works every time. It helps to have someone do it for you.”

XIn their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Write to them in care of The Vindicator or e-mail them via their Web site: www.PeoplesPharmacy.com. Their newest book is “Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy” (Rodale Books).

2008 King Features Syndicate, Inc.