Answers to weekly quiz

Answers to weekly quiz

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xA Q 9 6 5 uQ 8 vA K 9 wQ 10 8

What is your opening bid?

A. As our readers are aware, we are not averse to opening one no trump with a five-card major or with a doubleton queen or jack in a major. Here, however, you have both in the same hand, and that’s a bit rich for our taste. Open one spade.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xQ 8 uA Q 6 5 2 v8 7 3 w10 9 3

Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?

A. If you play transfer bids, you have no problem — transfer into hearts and then bid two no trump — invitational with a five-card heart suit. If you don’t, start with a Stayman two clubs. Should partner respond two diamonds, bid two hearts to show a five-card suit with invitational values; should partner respond two hearts, raise to three hearts; and if partner responds two spades, invite game by rebidding two no trump.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South you hold:

x9 5 u8 6 5 vJ 7 5 wK J 7 4 2

Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?

A. All you can do is pass and hope for the best.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xQ 10 9 5 3 uK Q 6 vA 8 wA Q 8

The bidding has proceeded:


1NT Pass 2w Pass


What do you bid now?

A. All you can do is bid two spades and hope partner bids again.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xQ J u10 8 7 3 v10 8 5 4 wK J 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1NT 2u ?

What action do you take?

A. First, thank East for entering the auction, then double politely. Had East stayed out of the auction, you would probably have passed.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA J 6 uQ 10 5 vK J 9 6 wA 10 9

Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?

A. Bid four no trump. In this sequence it does not ask for aces but requests partner to bid slam with a maximum no-trump opener.

2008 Tribune Media Services