Hints make it possible to reuse those little slivers of soaps

Dear Heloise: Is there some way to melt those soap chips that are left at the end of a bar of soap? I have several cups of soap chips and would like to make either a lotion or a large bar of soap with them. Guin B., San Clemente, Calif.

There are several ways to reuse slivers of similar soaps (different types of soaps often do not stick together, or stay mixed together if combined). Here are just a few:

• Wrap slivers in a washcloth and wet it. Microwave for only 10-15 seconds. Remove and, making sure the washcloth is not too hot to handle, press tightly to form a bar. Carefully unwrap the bar and run it under cold water to set.

• Grate slivers and put them into an empty coffee can with a little water. Put the can into a pan of water on the stove and heat on low until the slivers liquefy. Do not leave it unattended. Using a mitt, pour the warm soap from the can into candy molds or muffin tins, then let cool.

• Put a little water into a dish and soak slivers overnight. Pour the soap mixture into a blender, making sure it is less than half full. Blend on “grate” setting a little at a time, adding water as needed to get the desired consistency, and you’ve made liquid hand soap. Heloise

Dear Heloise: When you travel and have to take off your shoes to go through security, take along a package of wipes to clean off your feet before putting back on your shoes. I was in the airport putting on my shoes, and a lady there was not sure that she wanted to put her shoes back on, so I offered her a wipe. A Reader, via e-mail

This is good for people who are “barefoot.” I keep a pair of nonskid, lightweight knit slippers in my carry-on bag and use these. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Most of us have to wait a few minutes for the shower water to heat up. To save money and water, I keep a pitcher or bucket handy and fill it with the first water out of the shower. Then I water plants with it or put it in my dog’s water bowl. Robert P., Nashville, Tenn.

Dear Heloise: I recently purchased some small appliances for wedding gifts. Instead of buying expensive paper bags for wrapping, I used new cloth grocery bags, and the newlyweds can now use them when shopping. Mrs. R. of Fort Morgan, Colo.

Dear Heloise: I found a really easy way to water my potted plants. I put ice cubes on the dirt. They melt slowly and work perfectly. No wasted water, no overflow on windowsills, and plant vitamins and other nutrients don’t get washed away. Sherril Gerard, Santa Ana, Calif.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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