Crash course in fast facts may save lives of young drivers

Dear Readers: With school back in swing, it is a good idea to sit down with your teenagers, especially those who have gotten their driver’s license recently, to talk about driver safety. The few minutes this takes might save a life!

Here are some fast facts from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety:

• Teens are at the highest crash risk, especially those who have not been driving long. Driver education does not guarantee a safe driver, so it is up to parents to supervise practice sessions, become familiar with the law and enforce the rules while driving with their teen.

• Other passengers in the vehicle can distract or lead to greater risk, so try to limit the number of friends riding together.

• Fatal crashes among young drivers usually involve excessive speed. Stress that your teen is responsible for the lives of all passengers.

• Teens are less likely than adults to use seat belts! As a role model, use your seat belt, and insist that your teen does, too.

• Encourage teens to choose a vehicle based on safety rather than image.

• Night driving can pose a challenge for teens with little experience, so limit their time behind the wheel at night.


Dear Heloise: As a busy gemologist, wife and mother, I often neglect my own rings. I keep a jar of jewelry cleaner by my kitchen sink. To prevent me from accidentally knocking my rings down the drain or into the garbage disposal, I drop them into the cleaner and tighten the lid. They are safely out of the way while I am cleaning. When I am finished, a quick rinse in cold water and my rings are sparkling.

Before cleaning any jewelry, read the directions carefully, since some stones, like turquoise, opal, pearl and amber (to name a few), should not be soaked in cleaners. Never use chlorine on gold, as it will eventually pit the gold. Sandy L., via e-mail.

Good advice! Also, be careful when using cleaners that may contain bleach or acid-based ingredients such as vinegar (acetic acid), lemon or orange (citric acid). Heloise

Dear Heloise: As we get older, we bruise more. So, when someone asks about a bruise, rather than explain, I just say it is a senior tattoo. I always get a laugh. Gen from Ohio

Dear Heloise: When I have something important to remember, I write a reminder on a small sticky note and place it inside my folding cell phone. Toni B. of Livingston, Mont.

Sound off

Dear Heloise: Advertisers and packaging companies used to use “small” print that was legible but smaller than the rest of the print. Now they have changed the small print to infinitesimal print.

I have decided that any ad I see or any packaging I see that I can’t read will not be purchased from now on. Jackie, via e-mail

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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