Answers to weekly quiz

Answers to weekly quiz

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xA 7 uA K Q J 7 6 3 vA 9 8 w7

What is your opening bid?

A. Bid two clubs or two hearts depending on your methods.

Q. As South vulnerable, you hold:

xA Q 10 7 uA J 10 5 v9 8 5 w8 3

In third seat, what is your opening bid?

A. To give yourself the best shot of playing in the right major, open one heart. That allows partner to bid a spade suit at the one-level. If you open one spade, what should partner respond with two spades and four or five hearts but not enough to bid at the two-level?

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

x9 7 6 uK J 8 3 v8 5 4 w10 5 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1v Dbl Rdbl ?

What action do you take?

A. Bid one heart! Partner knows you don’t have much, so take advantage of the opportunity to suggest a lead to him. Note that you are not stealing any rebidding room from partner. If he does not like hearts, he can still bid one spade or two clubs bidding at the same level as he would have had to if you had passed.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

x8 7 u9 8 5 v7 6 3 wA K J 8 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Dbl ?

What action do you take?

A. Bid two clubs.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

x8 3 u9 5 3 v8 4 wQ 10 8 7 5 2

The bidding has proceeded:


1NT Dbl ?

What action do you take?

A. East’s double is for penalties and, at no trump, you might not produce a single trick for partner. You have an eight-card or better club fit and the hand must play several tricks better in your suit than no trump. Bid two clubs.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K 7 4 uK 10 8 7 vA Q 9 8 w7

The bidding has proceeded:


1v 2w Pass Pass


What action do you take?

A. You have a good hand with support for both unbid majors. To get partner to bid his best suit, double. Since partner has not yet made a bid (pass is a call, not a bid), the double is for takeout, not penalties, although partner is free to convert to penalties with length and some strength in the overcaller’s suit.

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