Cell-phone cameras come in handy

Dear Heloise: Here are a couple of traveling hints that I find useful: I’ve seen many uses for cell-phone cameras, but here’s one we use when we travel. Take a few quick photos of your rental car, the license plate and the brand/model logo. It might help you prove the car’s condition upon returning it to the agency, if there is a dispute. It also will help you recognize the unfamiliar car in a parking lot full of similar-size and -color cars.

We travel extensively and have never had a problem identifying our luggage, because years ago we put a strip of yellow plastic tape around the whole perimeter of each piece and then overlapped the ends securely. We can easily see our luggage Jane Briscoe, Bowie, Md.

Dear Heloise: To remove lime deposits on shower heads, take a small, plastic lunch bag and tape it to the pipe above the shower head with the bag still partially open. Fill with 8 to 16 ounces of vinegar, tape around the bag to squeeze out the air and make sure all the holes are in liquid. Leave a note to be reminded to remove the bag the next day before showering. Howard M. Rowe, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I put empty tissue boxes next to the full one to dispose of used tissues and small scraps. I also put them on top of my dryer as a place to put lint. It also makes a good mini wastebasket in a kid’s room, too. Sue in Wisconsin

Dear Heloise: While I was making several dozen brownies for a family reunion, my husband noticed I was having trouble trying to cut them straight and that the brownies were sticking to the knife (as I was cutting them while still warm). He suggested using our large stainless-steel pizza cutter. What a quick, neat way to cut them. No sticking, and how quick, too! I am sure I will try this on our next fruit pie. Sondra Nicholson, Irving, Texas

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