Greetings from White House require strict guidelines

Dear Readers: I have received several letters asking for the White House Greetings Office address where you can request a greeting from President and Mrs. Bush. The White House Greetings Office receives and processes all requests in accordance with long-standing guidelines. These strict guidelines must be followed in order to receive a card. Requests that don’t comply will not be fulfilled. You need to be a U.S. citizen and include:

• Name of honoree

• Form of address (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss)

• Date (month, day, year) of birthday, wedding or anniversary

• Requestor’s name and daytime phone number

The number of requests you can submit per day is limited. For birthdays and anniversaries, greetings will be mailed from the White House approximately 14 days prior to the event. Wedding and baby’s birth greetings will be sent after the event.

If you have problems making an online request, make your request by fax or mail.

You can select ONE of the following to make a request:

Baby’s Birth Greeting: A baby birth card will be sent within a year of the birth. Make the request after the baby is born.

Birthday Greeting: A birthday card will be sent to individuals celebrating their 80th (or greater) birthday. Make your request at least six weeks before the birthday.

Wedding Greeting: A wedding card will be sent to couples after the event. Make your request after the wedding.

Anniversary Greeting: An anniversary card will be sent to couples who are celebrating their 50th (or greater) wedding anniversary. Make your request at least six weeks before the anniversary.

You can make your request at:, fax to (202) 395-1232 or mail to:

The White House

Attn: Greetings Office

Washington, D.C. 20502-0039


Dear Readers: Here are a few handy ways to use a picture frame, from Heloise Central:

• Place a recipe in for easy viewing.

• Display a treasured poem.

• List important telephone numbers.

• Display directions for laundry or other household chores.

• Show child’s art projects.


Dear Heloise: Hold your camera as if your hand is a tripod. This makes it much easier to hold it steady. Marilyn Simmons, county extension agent, Galveston County, Texas

Thanks, Marilyn, for your hint. I met Marilyn when I spoke to about 500 extension agents on Sept. 10, 2008, in Corpus Christi, Texas. Heloise

Sound off

Dear Heloise: My Sound Off is when cashiers stick the receipt in with your change. Then you have to juggle everything to put your money away. Why can’t they put the receipt in the bag? Georgia, via e-mail

I would suggest asking them to place the receipt in the bag. I’m sure they would be more than happy to oblige. Most cashiers are trying to do a good job and get you in and out of the store as quickly as possible. Heloise

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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