Dog massage doubles as quick health exam

Dear Readers: How about a quick health exam you can give your dog? It’s simple to do while grooming, petting or bathing your dog. Run your hands over his head and body — any new lumps or bumps? Observe the eyes, and check inside the ears and under the tail. Give your pet a good belly rub as you check the abdomen for hardness, swelling, lumps or bumps.

Other things to check: Is the coat shiny? Is the fur coming out other than normal shedding? Are there visible discharges from eyes, nose, ears or glands? Lift up the side of the mouth to check whether teeth are clean and gums are pink. Bad breath and discoloration of gums are not healthy! The nose should be wet without a discharge. Ear flaps should be pink.

A few minutes every month is all it takes. You will likely notice when “something is not right.” Be sure to tell the vet anything out of the ordinary to help avoid serious health problems down the road. Heloise

P.S.: Our Cabernet, a silver miniature schnauzer, loves her massages! She doesn’t know I’m also doing a health check! “Woof, woof,” says Cabbie.

Dear Readers: Marge and Steve Adams of Seaside Park, N.J., sent a photo of their Shih Tzu, Brandy, lying on a travel bag. Marge says: “Our Brandy caught us packing to go on vacation, so she lay down on a bag as if to say, ‘You’re not going without me!’ She’s only 5 months old, but very smart.”

Visit today to see Brandy. Heloise

Dear Heloise: Will I get sick or will I get my dog sick if I let him kiss me? M.G., via e-mail

Your dog is more likely to be harmed than you are, because even though dogs do carry bacteria in their mouths, we carry more. In general, face licking is far riskier for your dog than it is for you! Heloise

Dear Heloise: I buy premium dry food for our five feline boys, but could never remember which ones they liked (there is so much variety in our local pet store). I had my husband cut out the labels, which showed the brand and flavor, and take a digital photo, which I carry with me to the pet shop. Now I always bring home the right food. Works for canned food, too! Dot M., Tyler, Texas

Dear Heloise: We shred all of our personal documents and junk mail, and use it to line the cage of our guinea pig! It is soft, absorbent and free! Peggy Jo Thomas, Morris, Conn.

Dear Heloise: I have a use for mismatched socks. I stuff them inside an old tube sock and soon have a filled sock. I tie the top and give it to my French bulldog. She loves it more than an expensive pet-store purchase! Debbie, Escondido, Calif.

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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