Fellows Riverside Gardens plans plant seminar

YOUNGSTOWN — Fellows Riverside Gardens, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 19, will present “Plants: Wild Cultivated,” featuring two nationally recognized speakers. Tony Avent, international plant explorer with 43 expeditions to remote parts of China, Argentina, South Africa will speak on “Exploration to Exploitation — How Plants Make Their Way From the Wild to Market” and his experiences as a plant explorer.

Paul Meyer, director of the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, will address the topics “Great and Ancient Trees” and “Plant Exploration in China: In Search of Tough Urban Trees.” His talks, illustrated with slides from North America, Europe, and Asia, will cover the natural history, garden adaptability, and economic uses of great and ancient trees. With this program is an exhibit of Meyer’s photographs, which tell stories about the importance of plants in the lives of Asian people. Registration for the event (including lunch) is $45 ($35 for Friends of Fellows Riverside Gardens). For more information or to register call (330) 740-7116.
