Warren City Schools enact Zero-Tolerance policy

The Warren city schools have a zero-tolerance policy for fighting. The schools had expelled 24 students during the 2006-07 school year and 13 this year. Here’s what some other school districts do:

Hubbard: Superintendent Richard Buchenic says the district has a zero-tolerance approach. Principals give three or 10 days of out-of-school suspensions. They can recommend expulsion to the superintendent. Hubbard has had three expulsions this year.

McDonald: Superintendent Michael Wasser says the district has a zero-tolerance policy. There are three- to five-day suspensions for minor fights and 10 days for major fights. One students has been expelled this year for fighting.

Liberty: Superintendent Mark Lucas says the district has zero-tolerance toward fighting. Fighting will bring a student suspension. Continuous fighting will eventually lead to expulsion. Liberty has expelled four students for fighting this year.

Niles: Superintendent Rocco Adduci says the district has a zero-tolerance policy for fighting. The first fight results in a three-day suspension, five days for the second and 10 days for the third. A student can be expelled for fighting, but Adduci says he hasn’t expelled a student during the eight years he has been superintendent in Niles and the Weathersfield school districts.