Louie Today: Are you steaming mad?

Feel like grousing about the exhorbitant government salaries being collected by Youngstown city and Youngstown city school workers? Tune in this morning to Louie Free, Vindy.com's news radio partner, and share your complaints with him and the Vindicator's Bertram de Souza.

Bertram, our longtime political columnist, gave a sampling of the outlandish pay levels in yesterday's column, and will continue the coversation during Louie's first two hours today.

Later, Louie will be talking with Stephen Marks, who built his career as one of the countries top "political assassins," long before, "Swift-boating" ever became a usable verb.

Marks effectively launched vicious attack ads against opposing campaigns for the Republican National Committee and related Republican organizations. He helped elect a Republican Congress for the first time since the Eisenhower presidency, and helped George W. Bush win the White House in 2000 and 2004 with a strategically placed John Kerry ad in certain districts of Ohio that linked the Senator to a cop killer.

He also founded the groups, "Americans Against Hate" and "Move On For America.Org."

Louie will talk with him about his new book, "Confessions of a Political Hit Man," which contains crucial information for all Americans concerned about voting, politics and the state of our democracy.

Remember the new morning time slot and tune in to the live Web cast right here on Vindy.com, or in your car, at WASN 1500 AM.

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