Movie listings are based on the best information provided to us at press time. Schedules are subject
Movie listings are based on the best information provided to us at press time. Schedules are subject to change. Bargain shows are in parentheses. Listings show theater, rating, running time and schedule.
2461 E. State St., Hermitage, Pa., (724) 981-2610.
Atonement, (R), 2:10. Today-Th., (4:15), 7; today-Sat. 9:40; Sat.-Sun. (1:15).
Bucket List, (PG-13), 1:37. Today-Th., (5:30), 7:40; today-Sun., 9:50; Sat.-Mon., (1, 3:15).
Cloverfield, (PG-13),1:24. Today-Th., (5:20) 7:30, 9:45; today-Sat. 9:45; Sat.-Sun. (1, 3:10).
How She Move, (PG-13)1:32. Today-Th., (5:20), 7:30; today-Sat., 10; Sat.-Sun. (1, 3:10).
Juno, (PG-13), 1:36. Today-Th., (5:20), 7:30; Sat.-Sun., 9:40; Sat.-Mon., (1), 3:10.
Mad Money, (PG-13), 1:44. Today-Th., (4:10), 7; today-Sat. 9:40; Sat.-Sun. 1:15.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets, (PG), 2:04. Today-Th., (4), 7; today-Sat. 9:45; Sat.-Sun., (1).
Rambo, (R), 1:33. Today-Th., 1:33. (5:30), 7:45; today-Sat., 10; Sat.-Sun. (1, 3:15).
469 Boardman-Poland Road, Youngstown, (330) 629-2933.
30 Days of Night, (R), 1:53. Today-Th., 4:25, 7:25, 10:10; Sat.-Mon. 1:20.
American Gangster, (R). Today- Th., 4:15, 8; Sat.-Mon. 1.
August Rush, (PG). 1:53. Today-Th., 7:10; Sat.-Mon. 1:10.
Bee Movie, (PG), 1:31. Today-Th., 5:20, 7:30, 9:45; Sat.-Mon., 12:50, 3:05.
Beowulf, (PG-13), 1: 54. Today-Th., 4:20, 7:20, 10:05; Sat.-Mon. 1:15.
Dan In Real Life, (PG-13), 1:38. Today-Th., 4:10, 9:55.
The Game Plan, (PG), 1:50. Today-Th., 4, 7, 9:40; Sat.-Mon., 1:05.
The Golden Compass, (PG-13). Today-Th., 4:05, 7:05, 9:50; Sat.-Mon. 12:55.
The Perfect Holiday, (PG). Today-Th., 5:15, 7:40, 10; Sat.-Mon. 12:45, 3.
6020 Mahoning Ave., Austintown, (330) 793-7067.
27 Dresses, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th. (1:40, 4:45), 7:25,9:55.
Alvin and the Chipmunks, (PG), 1:28. Today-Th., (2, 4:35).
Cloverfield, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:20, 4:20), 7:55, 10:15.
Juno, (PG), 1:36. Today-Th., (1:25, 4:10), 7:30, 10:10.
Mad Money, (PG-13), 1:24. Today-Th, (1:10, 4:15), 7:20, 10.
Meet the Spartans, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:50, 4:55), 7:35, 9:45.
Michael Clayton, (R), 2. Today-Th., 6:55, 9:40.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets, (PG), 2:10. Today-Th., (1, 4), 7, 9:50.
Rambo, (R), 2:06. Today-Th. (1:30, 4:30), 7:45, 10:05.
The Bucket List, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:05, 4:25), 7:05, 9:30.
Untraceable, (R), 1:30. Today-Th. (1:15, 4:05), 7:10, 9:35.
24 Boulevard Center, Niles, (330) 652-2551.
27 Dresses, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th. (1:15, 3:50), 7:15, 9:45.
Alvin and the Chipmunks, (PG), 1:28. Today-Th., (1:40), 7.
Atonement, (R), 2:03. Today-Th., (1:35, 4:15), 6:55, 9:35.
Cloverfield, (PG-13). Today-Th., 1:40. (1:45, 2:15, 4, 4;30), 7:35, 8:05, 9:55, 10:25.
First Sunday, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (2:20, 4:50), 8, 10:30.
How She Move, (PG-13), 1:38. Today-Th., (1:50, 4:20), 7:40, 10.
I Am Legend, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (4:25), 9:25.
Juno, (PG-13), 1:36. Today-Th., (1:30, 4:10), 7:45, 10:10.
Mad Money, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:55, 4:40), 7:30, 10:20.
Meet the Spartans, (PG-13), 2:10. Today-Th., (1:25, 3:55), 7:10, 9:30.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets, (PG), 2:10. Today-Th., (1:20, 4:05), 7:05, 9:50.
Rambo, (R), 1:40. Today-Th., (2,4:45) 7:50, 10:15.
The Bucket List, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (2:05, 4:35), 7:20, 9:40.
Untraceable, (R), 1:30. Today-Th., (2:10, 4:55), 7:25, 10:05.
7420 South Ave., Boardman, (330) 758-0503.
27 Dresses, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:45, 2:15, 4:15, 4:45), 7, 7:30, 9:30, 10.
Alvin and the Chipmunks, (PG), 1:28. Today-Th., (2:10, 4:30), 6:50.
Atonement, (R), 2:03. Today-Th., (1:15, 4:10), 7:05, 9:50.
First Sunday, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:40, 4:35), 7:10, 9:45.
How She Move, (PG-13), 1:38. Today-Th., (2, 4:20), 7:25, 9:40.
I Am Legend, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:50, 4:40), 7:35.
Mad Money, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (1:20, 4:05), 7:20, 10:10.
National Treasure: Book of Secrets, (PG), 2:10. Today-Th., (1, 3:55), 7:15, 10:05.
No Country For Old Men, (R), 2:02. Today-Th. (1:10, 4), 6:55, 9:35.
One Missed Call, (PG-13), 1:27. Today-Th. 9:55.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, (R), 1:57. Today-Th., 9:25.
2996 East State St., Hermitage, (724) 983-7737.
27 Dresses, (PG-13). Today-Th., (4:55), 7:10, 9:30; Sat-Sun. (2:40).
Alvin and The Chipmunks, (PG). Today-Th., (3:15), 6:05, 7:05, 9.
Charlie Wilson’s War, (R). Today-Th., 9:05; Sat.-Sun., (2).
Enchanted, (PG). Today-Th., (4:40); Sat.-Sun., (2:30).
First Sunday, (PG-13). Today-Th. 7:20, 9:40; Sat.-Sun. (1).
I Am Legend, (PG-13). Today-Th., (3:25, 5:25), 7:25, 9:45; Sat.-Sun., (1:10).
Meet the Spartans, (PG-13). Today-Th., (3:55, 5:45), 7:35, 9:50; Sat.-Sun. (2:05).
Michael Clayton, (R). Today-Th., (4:15), 6:40.
No Country for Old Men, (R). Today-Th., 8:50, 9:15.
One Missed Call, (PG-13). Today- Th., (4, 5:50), 7:40, 9:55; Sat.-Sun., (2:10).
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,, (R). Today-Th., (4:35), 6:55, 9:10; Sat.-Sun. (2:15).
The Golden Compass, (PG-13). Sat-Sun., (2:25, 4:50).
The Great Debaters, (PG-13). Today-Th., 7, 9:25.
The Orphanage, (R). Today-Th., 7:30, 9:35.
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie, (G). Today-Th., (5); Sat.-Sun., (1:20, 3:0).
The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, (PG). Today-Th., (3), 6:10.
Untraceable (R). Today-Th., (3:05, 5:15), 7:15, 9:20; Sat.-Sun. (1:05).
7401 Market St., Boardman, (330) 965-2335.
Cloverfield (PG-13), Today-Th., (4:40), 7, 9:20; Sat.-Sun., (12:10, 2:30).
Juno, (PG-13), 1:36. Today-Th., (5:30), 7:55, 10:20; Sat.-Sun., (12:20, 2:45).
Meet the Spartans, (PG-13). Today-Th. (5:15), 7:25, 9:35; Sat.-Sun. (12:40, 2:55).
P.S. I Love You, (PG-13), 2:06. Today-Th., (4:15), 7:10, 10:05; Sat.-Sun., (1).
Rambo, (R). Today-Th., (5), 7:45, 10:15; Sat.-Sun. (noon, 2:20).
The Bucket List, (PG-13), 1:40. Today-Th., (4:50), 7:35, 10; Sat.-Sun., (11:45 a.m., 2:10).
Untraceable, (R). Today-Th. (4:30), 7:15, 9:50; Sat.-Sun. (11:30 a.m., 2).
2000 West State St., New Castle, Pa., (724) 652-9063.
27 Dresses, (PG-13). Today-Th., (4:45), 7:05, 9:20; today-Sat., 11:35; today-Sun., (2:30).
Alvin and the Chipmunks, (PG). Today-Sun., (1:15, 3:20).
Cloverfield, (PG-13). Today-Th., (5:35), 7:25, 9:15; today-Sat., 11:05; today-Sun., (1:55, 3:45).
How She Move, ((PG-13). Today-Th., (5:30), 7:35, 9:40; today-Sat., 11:45; today-Sun. (1:20, 3:25).
Juno, (PG-13). Today-Th., (4:55), 6:55, 9; today-Sat., 11; today-Sun., (1, 2:55).
Mad Money, (PG-13). Today-Th., 5:10, 7:15, 9:30; today-Sat. 11:30.
Meet the Spartans, (PG-13). Today-Th. (5:25), 7:20, 9:25; today-Sat., 11:20; today-Sun. (1:45, 3:35).
Rambo, (R). Today-Th., (5:40), 7:40, 9:45; today-Sat. 11:50; today-Sun., (1:40, 3:40).
The Bucket List, (PG-13). Today-Th., (5:05), 7:10, 9:10; today-Sat., 11:15; today-Sun., (1:05, 3:05).
Untraceable , (R). Today-Th., (4:50), 7, 9:05; today-Sat. 11:10; today-Sun. (2:45).