Kristen Sena to be June bride of Jared Terlecky
X VIENNA — Steve and Lee Ann Sena, 253 Sodom Hutchings Road, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristen Leigh Sena, of the same address, to Jared Jeffrey Terlecky.
Mr. Terlecky is the son of Jeff and Paula Terlecky, and all reside at 1084 Niles-Vienna Road.
The bride-to-be graduated from the University of Akron with a degree in early childhood education. She is a kindergarten teacher in Mathews School District.
The prospective groom graduated from Baldwin Wallace University in Berea with a degree in comprehensive science. He is a science teacher in the Mathews School District.
The couple plan to marry at 1:30 p.m. June 14 in an open ceremony at St. Patrick Church in Hubbard. Invitations will be extended for a reception at Leo’s Ristorante in Howland.