Youngstown Diocese accepts anonymous reports of abuse

YOUNGSTOWN — Monsignor John Zuraw of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown said the diocese accepts anonymous allegations of suspected sexual abuse.

“Any reports are taken very seriously,” Monsignor Zuraw said. “We don’t discredit anonymous reports.”

He said anonymous reports or those from identified sources are promptly given to the diocese’s legal department, which in turn immediately contacts the proper civil authorities.

“The information is s given to the legal department because it is current with laws and can effectively communicate with authorities,” Monsignor Zuraw said. The diocese also conducts an investigation.

Monsignor Zuraw, executive director of clergy and religious services, and Nancy Yuhasz, chancellor of the diocese and victim assistance coordinator, serve on the diocesan review board, which receives reports on investigations of any allegations.

On its Web site,, the Diocese of Youngstown lists complete information about reporting suspected sexual abuse in its Revised Child Protection Policy.

The Web site also has complete information on the Standards of Ministerial Behavior for Clergy, Employees and Volunteers, which also addresses the issue of sexual abuse.

Monsignor Zuraw said the two policies are currently under revision and are being incorporated into one overall policy.

The process also will involve Bishop George V. Murry and the diocesan review board.

For information, contact Yuhasz at the diocese, (330) 744-8451, Ext. 235, or by e-mail to