LOUIE TODAY: Mahoning elections director Tom McCabe

Louie Free, Vindy.com's news radio partner, will host Tom McCabe, director of the Mahoning County Board of Elections, on today's "Brainfood From the Heartland."

With the primary less than seven weeks away, it's not only the presidential race that's heating up. Locally, the contest for Mahoning County sheriff has taken on a heightened tone as longtime sheriff and former Youngstown police chief Randall Wellington and his opponent David Aey, a former deputy sheriff, began to trade verbal salvos over their education and experience.

The elections board will conduct a hearing today regarding Wellington’s protest over Aey's eligibility, based on the educational requirements of the job.

Sheriff candidates must have at least two years of post-secondary education from an accredited college or university, or at least two years of supervisory experience. Aey received an associates degree last year from Belford University, a school described as an “online diploma mill” in a New York Times article.

So today's show will be hot, hot, hot., Louie says.

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