
The Austintown school district and its teachers agreed on a contract Tuesday. Here are some details.

There are 326 teachers covered under the contract.

It covers the next two years, with a one percent raise in the first year and no raise in the second.

The new contract will not increase costs to the district, said Superintendent Douglas Heuer. That is because teachers agreed to a 3 percent increase in health-care premium pickups to 10 percent, he said.

Teachers start at a salary of $29,000, with top pay more than $66,000.

Health-care costs the district $1,008 a month for family coverage and $415 a month for single coverage. Premium pickups are now 7 percent, or $70.60 for family coverage, and $29.06 for single coverage. Those figures would rise to 10 percent under the new proposal.

The school district and the teachers have to pay 24 percent of a teacher’s salary into the State Teachers Retirement Fund. Heuer said the district picks up 14 percent of that figure, and teachers pay 10 percent. That has not changed from the old to the new contract.

Source: School district and teachers union

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