Felony charges mulled for student in MCCTC fire
Felony charges mulled for student in MCCTC fire
YOUNGSTOWN — More serious charges could be filed against a girl who was charged with criminal damaging in last May’s multimillion-dollar fire at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center.
The criminal damaging charge and a charge of obstructing official business were dropped against Pamela Schindler, who was 17 when the charges were filed in July.
She was to go on trial Monday in the county juvenile court, but the charges were dismissed without predjudice, said court administrator Anthony D’Apolito on Tuesday.
That means the charges could be refiled, he explained.
Assistant prosecutor Kerry Limbian of the juvenile court said today that after talking to witnesses, the office determined that an arson or aggravated arson charge — either charge is a felony — could be filed against Schindler.
For the complete story, see Thursday’s Vindicator and Vindy.com.