East-West vulnerable. East deals.

East-West vulnerable. East deals.


xQ 8 6 4

uJ 10

vK 10 9 5 4 3



xA 10 7 5 2 xK J 3

uK 3 uA Q 8 7 5 4

vA 7 2 vVoid

w10 9 2 wA 8 6 5



u9 6 2

vQ J 8 6

wK Q J 7 4

The bidding:


1u Pass 1x Pass

2w Pass 2v Dbl

3v 5v Dbl Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of v

The greatest difference between rubber bridge and duplicate is the importance of overtricks and undertricks. Consider this deal from a national pairs championship some years ago. Sitting South was the late Paul Soloway.

West’s two diamonds, the fourth suit, was an attempt by West to get a heart preference from his partner. It backfired when North doubled to show diamond length. East might have done better to confirm spade support rather than bid three diamonds, although that probably would not have prevented Soloway from bouncing to the advance sacrifice of five diamonds, doubled by West.

West led a low trump, taken by dummy’s nine. Declarer immediately led a club and East rose with the ace. When the smoke cleared, declarer lost one spade, two hearts and a trick in each minor for minus 500, far cheaper than the 620 or more East-West would have scored in a spade game. North-South collected a top on the board.

Does that mean that five diamonds is a good sacrifice at rubber bridge? Only if you have complete disregard for the coin of the realm! While 500 is less than the opponents would score for their vulnerable game, the problem is that they are still 2-to-1 favorites to win the rubber. Paying 500 points under those circumstances is throwing good money after bad.

2009 Tribune Media Services